Ankush Pare

Stammering Cure Exercises

Exercise is very effective in stammering due to physical reasons.

Exercises are done to provide strength to the organs related to speech, including the tongue, lips, jaw and lungs. Many people who suffer from problem of stammering find that exercise helps them to cure this stammering.

exercises, exercise, stammering cure exercises

Table of Contents

Speaking While Exhaling To Cure Stammering

Speaking while you exhale relaxes your vocal cords and reduces Stammering/stuttering.

Practice tips- start by taking a deep breath. Begin speaking as you exhale, focusing on maintaining a steady, relaxed breath.

Prolonged Speech to cure stammering

This stretching out words to slow down speech. many speech therapists make their clients to do it to get rid of Stammering.

Combine light articulation with pausing. Start by exaggerating the elongation and gradually reducing it to a natural level.

Pausing Technique To Cure Stammering

Speak slowly and deliberately. Take pauses between phrases or sentences to give yourself time to formulate your thoughts and reduce the speed.

  When you take pause at that time you can inhale so that your body gets relaxed, then speak.

Yoga For Speech Fluency

*Practice- simple yoga poses like the warrior, tree and mountain pose can help to cure stammering.

*Benefits- improves breath control and posture and reduces stress, all of which are beneficial for smooth speech.

Breathing Exercise To Cure Stammering

There are many types of breathing exercises, which you can follow daily in the morning to cure.

1) Belly breathing( Diaphragmatic breathing)


  1. You need to Expand your belly a little bit.
  2. While Expanding belly inhalation will be automatically.
  3. Make sure inhalation should be through nose.
  4. Then you have to exhale through nose.
  5. Inhalation & Exaltation timing should be same

Ex- if you inhale for 1 second so your exhale should also be for 1 second.

Do this exercise daily in the morning 4-5 times, you can do this while sitting, standing and walking.

Belly breathing/ Diaphragmatic breathing is the best breathing exercise to cure stammering. It makes you feel relax and calm.

2) Advance breathing 


  1. You need to inhale through nose.

Ex- your inhalation time is for 1 second.

      2. You need to hold that breath for 4 seconds.

      3. Then you have to exhale in 2 seconds

Do this Advance breathing daily in the morning 11 times.

Singhasan Exercise To Cure Stammering

Singhasan is one of the best exercises to reduce fear & stress. It also makes you regain confidence while speaking.


  1. Sit on your knees, make sure your knees should touch the floor.
  2. You have to put your both hands ahead of your knees, you have to give pose like a lion.
  3. You have to take out your tongue outside.
  4. Then you have to sound like a lion.

You can do this exercise 5 times daily to get the best results. You won’t get result in some days, you have to do it for a month atleast.

Mouth Exercises To Cure Stammering

For a better mouth opening and stretching, it’s important that you open your mouth properly and it happens when you do mouth exercises.

 I recommend you to do ‘E’ & ‘O. exercise to cure stammering.


  •  you have to speak ‘E’ then you will notice your mouth stretches both side left and right. You have to sound E for 5 times in the morning.


  • When you speak ‘O’ you will notice that your mouth opens outside, you have to sound O for 5 times in the morning.


  • Lips vibration buzzing exercise is also the best exercises to cure stammering. You have to vibrate your lips like a horse for 4-5 times in a day.

Tongue Exercises To Cure Stammering

  1. Stick tongue out. Move your tongue tip to left side of mouth, reach as far as it will go. Hold for five seconds.
  2. Move your tongue tip to right side of mouth, reach as far as it will go. Hold for 5 seconds.
  1. Hold your tongue steady and straight for 5 seconds.

Reading Exercise To Cure Stammering

  1. Reading a book or to read anything reduces Stammering.
  2. First of all take any book and read it quickly without any interruption.
  3. Give priority to reading quickly rather than reading well.
  4. Do not pay attention to words that are missed.
  5. Continue this exercise for 2-3 months. This will help in correcting all the speech issues.

Mirror Practice Exercise To Cure Stammering

For one month, take out 10 minutes every day and stand in front of the mirror. Look at yourself and smile now start speaking. Speak whatever your heart says. You can speak about yourself, your loved ones and about your life. It will help you to cure stammering.

Visualization technique –

Imagine yourself speaking fluently and confidently in various situations. This mental rehearsal can boost confidence and reduce anxiety related to speaking.

Mindfulness and Meditation-

*Practice- spend a few minutes each day in quiet reflection or guide meditation, focusing on your breath and present sensations.

*Benefits- Reduces stress and improves focus, which can positively impact speech fluency.( Exercise to cure stammering)

Tips for practicing Exercises 

*Consistency- Practice these exercises regularly to see improvements over time like any skill, speech fluency improves with practice and persistence.

*Patience- Be patient with yourself Stammering is a journey and progress may different from person to person.

*Seek Professional Guidance-

Consult any Speech therapist and A Stammering Coach who can guide you Exercises and techniques to your specific needs.


In conclusion, you got know that there are so many ways of stammering Cure exercises, by which you can cure stammering and also you can speak effectively and confidently.

If you or someone you know is struggling with Stammering, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional or a speech therapist. With dedication and right approach, you can unlock greater fluency and find more confidence in expressing yourself.

   I recommend you to consult A Speech Expert who is the master of speech issues. You can consult to ankush pare, he is the best stammering coach and speech expert, and he also had Stammering and he cured it himself.

● We are providing free knowledge to all people who stammer with daily useful content – speech tools, speech solutions, BTS, Case studies, free guidance, etc

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If you want complete information about stammering then you can join our live WEBINAR with – Ankush Pare (Speaking Coach)

 Here’s What You Will Learn


  • Exact Speech Root Cause Behind Stammering : Discover why stammering isn’t the real problem but a symptom and gain insights into the underlying factors affecting speech fluency.       
  • Stammer Vs Fluent Speaker(key Difference): Discover the key differences between stammering and fluent speech to empower effective communication strategies.                              
  • 6 Trap Which Keeps You In Lifetime : Identify and conquer six obstacles that perpetuate stammering, and learn actionable steps to achieve speech fluency.                                    
  • 3 Ankush’s Proven Secret To Overcome Stammering : Unlock exclusive techniques for stammering improvement with practical proven insights.

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 – Ankush Pare (Speaking Coach)

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