Ankush Pare

Stammering In Public And Private

Table of Contents

What Is Stammering?

Stammering often arises when there’s a disconnection between the mind and mouth.

Stammering can be a frustrating experience for many people. It’s when you have trouble speaking smoothly, often repeating sounds or syllables or getting stuck on certain words.

This can happen especially when you’re talking to others, like at school, work, or even with friends. And you often think.( Why do I Stammer outside)

Understanding The Inequality

It’s a common experience for individuals who stutter to feel more comfortable speaking at home than in public. This paradoxical situation often leads to questions about the root of the issue.

Why Is It Easy To Speak At Home

  1. Familiarity: Everyone thinks home is a comfort zone. You know your surroundings, and the people you interact with well. This reduces anxiety and pressure.
  2. Lower Stakes: Casual conversations at home often carry less weight then those Outside. There’s less pressure to perform or impress.
  3. Predictability: Daily Routines and familiar topics can make conversation flow more smoothly.
  4. Supportive Environment: Family members are usually understanding and patient, creating a safe space for communication.

Why Is It Difficult To Speak Outside

  1. Unfamiliar Environment: New place and people can trigger anxiety and self consciousness.
  2. Fear of Judgement: The fear of being judged or evaluated can exacerbate stuttering.
  3. Performance Pressure: Social interactions often feel like performance, increasing pressure to speak fluently.
  4. Unpredictability: Conversations outside the home can be less structured and require quick thinking, which can be challenging for people who stutter.

Mistakes That You Do Outside

  • Feeling fearful and Anxious.
  • Taking no time before speaking, try to speak in a hurry or at once.
  • Think about how you will speak in front of anyone, what that person will think.
  • Speaking in a high speed, just focus on completing the sentence.
  • Speaking constantly while no having breath.
  • Don’t use body language while speaking, only focus on speaking words.
  • Try to Impress others.
  • Underestimate yourself due to low confidence.
  • Not showing confidence while speaking.
  • Taking pressure of fluent speech.

These are the mistakes due to which you stammer a lot outside.

Practical Tips To Manage Stammering Outside

  1. Take Your Time- It’s okay to slow down and breathe when you feel stuck. Give yourself a moment to gather your thoughts before speaking.
  2. Practice Speaking- practice talking with friends or family who understand The more you practice, the easier it can become to manage Stammering.
  3. Take Pause Between Sentences- intentionally use pauses in your sentences and break longer sentences into shorter phrases.
  4. Stay Calm- Feeling anxious can make Stammering worse. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or reverse counting to calm your mind and body before speaking.
  5. Smiling Face- when you wear a smile on your face, it shows confidence, and you will notice when you speak with smiling face, you speak confidently and with no anxiety.
  6. Body Language- while speaking with someone try to use your face expressions, open your mouth properly, use hand movements, neck movement etc.
    body language is most important in speaking.
  7. Seek Support- There are speech therapists and speaking coach who specialise in helping people who stammer. They can teach you techniques to improve your speech and build your confidence.


Remember, Everyone’s journey with Stammering is different. It’s important to remember that Stammering doesn’t define you or your limit what you can achieve. Many successful people, from Actors to Leaders, have learned to manage their Stammering and now cured it fully.

If you or someone you know is facing Stammering, You can also cure Stammering by using above tips and techniques. There are resources and support available to help along the way or you can consult A Speech therapist or A Speaking Coach who is the master of this field.


You can join our webinar to know more about stammering and learn proven methods to cure stammering.

If you want complete information about stammering then you can join our live WEBINAR with – Ankush Pare (Speaking Coach)

   Here’s What You Will Learn


  • Exact Speech Root Cause Behind Stammering : Discover why stammering isn’t the real problem but a symptom and gain insights into the underlying factors affecting speech fluency.       
  • Stammer Vs Fluent Speaker(key Difference): Discover the key differences between stammering and fluent speech to empower effective communication strategies.                              
  • 6 Trap Which Keeps You In Lifetime : Identify and conquer six obstacles that perpetuate stammering, and learn actionable steps to achieve speech fluency.
  • 3 Ankush’s Proven Secret To Overcome Stammering : Unlock exclusive techniques for stammering improvement with practical proven insights.

Join 2 Hour LIVE Webinar

learn how to overcome stammering
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 – Ankush Pare (Speaking Coach)

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