Ankush Pare

Best Prime Time & Its Benefits For Speaking Skills

prime time 
prime times
communication skill

I know you are trying so hard to improve your communication skills, to overcome your stammering, you are really very serious about it and you want results within a short period of time. Many times we just give up on things because they do not the way we want. Sometimes we feel that it’s not working or maybe should I change the thought of it. But how many times have you thought about it and you didn’t work on the way you practice. There is a best way to get best result in less time and we will discuss it in this blog.

have you ever thought about your prime time of practice?

First of all, let me tell you about Primetime.

Primetime; The time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest. ex. 9PM is a prime time for TV channel because most of the viewers are watching TV this time . you will find whichever programs comes at 9PM have highest TRP and most famous among all program in channel. Benefits for speaking skills.

Prime time for you :

For you the time when you feel you can focus more, energetic and you feel your mood is doable. You can practice in this time to get the best out of your try or practice. You do not have to practice for 24 hours, just identify your primetime and practice in that time. we will discuss here 3 timings, you can choose 2 out of them or can choose all of them for practice.

1. Morning time

2. Afternoon time

3. Evening time

Morning Time

For example, you wake up at 6 AM and you get to freshen up till 6;30 or 6;45 AM. After that (Suppose between 7 am to 8 am) you feel more energetic and fresh and you can feel that you can do whatever you want at this time. Then I will suggest that you should do practice and implementation both in this time. Maybe after taking shower you feel more fresh and enthusiastic and that can be your primetime. And you can do practice & implementation at this time.

Let me explain to you how can you do this, you can practice at home and can implement it outside of your house. You can talk with a nearby shopkeeper or anyone with whom you can interact. And Speak there the way you practiced it at home. If you practice in the morning it will help you to manage the other time schedule for the day. and believe me, you will feel much better after practice and implementation and you will notice your confidence has been improved.

# I will suggest that you should practice in the morning time because if you do practice in the morning you can implement it for a whole day. and it will give you the result which you may have not expected from yourself also.

Afternoon Time

Suppose you are in the office or maybe you are in college and we all have recess there or we can call it a lunch break. Everyone is gone to the cafeteria or towards mess or to pantry area,

you are alone there and many of you do not get mix up with people because of the stammering issue (which is not right) but for now, let us consider it is as a benefit. So you are alone there and that can be your Primetime.

This is your prime time because you are alone there, you are focused and no one will distract you. and you will see your performance is very good there and you can implement very well. For example, 4 pm to 6 pm can be your prime time to implement this concept. All you can do is Implementation.

Evening Time

Many times I have seen that many people go for a walk after dinner, And why not you should use this time to implement your practice whichever you did to improve your communication skill.

Here I am not saying that you should practice for an hour, you have to use at least 30 minutes to practice or implement the things. And it will give you such an amazing result which you will not get after practicing for 4-5 hours in a day.

I hope I have explained well how you can set your primetime now we will talk about how can you implement this primetime in your life. For example, you have set the 3 prime times, whatever it can be. You have to set an alarm for those three primetime and set a reminder that will instantly give you an indication about your primetime implementation. Other than this you have to follow some basic tips,

1. Be focused

2. Do not use any gadgets

3. Do not allow anything which will distract you like calls, messages, etc.

4. Mobile must not be allowed. (if very much necessary you can put it on airplane mode)

You have to just give 1.5 hours of your day just to do practice and implementation for the same. and you have to practice such techniques which will definitely give you results.

If you want complete information about stammering then you can join our live WEBINAR with – Ankush Pare (Speaking Coach)

  Here’s What You Will Learn


  • Exact Speech Root Cause Behind Stammering : Discover why stammering isn’t the real problem but a symptom and gain insights into the underlying factors affecting speech fluency.       
  • Stammer Vs Fluent Speaker(key Difference): Discover the key differences between stammering and fluent speech to empower effective communication strategies.                              
  • 6 Trap Which Keeps You In Lifetime : Identify and conquer six obstacles that perpetuate stammering, and learn actionable steps to achieve speech fluency.
  • 3 Ankush’s Proven Secret To Overcome Stammering : Unlock exclusive techniques for stammering improvement with practical proven insights.

Join 2 Hour LIVE Webinar

learn how to overcome stammering
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 – Ankush Pare (Speaking Coach)

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